Tear Soaked Shoebox

How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” Romans 10:15-16

{I have the awesome opportunity to be part of a team collecting shoe box gifts this week for Operation Christmas Child and want to give you a peek at this goodness}

The woman cautiously walked into the spacious gym warmly decorated with hospitable treats intriguing all the senses. Wrapped in her arms were two shoe boxes tightly hugging against her chest. Silence is broken with a simple question, “would you like to pray for the hungry souls that will receive this gift?” She looks intently in my eyes and nods with an enthusiastic, “oh yes I would love to!”

I then ask a personal question, “Is there anything we can pray for you about your own life?” Her eyes well up with tears threatening to pour out and she shines a bright smile and says,

No thank you, I am just so blessed, I am so blessed to be able to do this, to give to someone else, I am so blessed.”

Her use of the word ‘blessed’ three times does not escape my notice–you can hear Truth pour out from her thankful heart, you can see she is giving from a heart of love.  She is giving for love not legalism.

The three of us join hands and approach boldly the throne of grace and pray for the hearts that will receive this gift, praying fervently God will cause a growth in the seeds sown and watered. We pray for her and she releases the pent up tears she tried desperately to hold back drenching the shoebox. Afterwards she hugs us tightly and thanks us profusely and spills over her gratitude for what has been given to her–grace, and now this gift she is able to offer to another. She walks out full of joy and glows.

I stand there and look down at the entrusted shoeboxes and I see her tears soaked the boxes and I know God has them. I am changed by this moment and I see her feet are beautiful, I see her shoeboxes represent her feet and represent the eternal lives that will be offered an opportunity to live forever in freedom in Jesus Christ. Yes, I am changed by this moment.

Look more closely and you too will see…it’s not just a shoebox…and it’s not too late to join us–wrap yours and send it today!

“In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'”

About altarofheaven

My name is arcelia. I love, worship and revere God. Since 2009 I have been enJOYing the peace with God I have through Jesus Christ. I'm learning to listen and respond to His voice through His Word and convictions of the Holy Spirit in this midst of this chaotic and distracting world. I am a broken redeemed healed vessel, joyously drawing water from the Spring of salvation pouring out in God's strength by His Spirit for His glory. "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14 View all posts by altarofheaven

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