Tag Archives: FOMO


The fear of missing out (FOMO) has become a “respectable sin.” The root of the FOMO is discontentment. The root of discontentment is a lack of faith to believe that God loves you and He can be trusted. It’s like the Garden of Eden when the serpent successfully tempted Eve to believe God was withholding good from her. That’s the Devil’s tactic—to provoke you to be insecure.

Insecurity can lead to:

  • Impatience: We take matters into our own hands, or we allow our mind to wander.
  • Unkindness: “Hurt people, hurt people.” We begin to tear down others.
  • Jealousy: We covet and desire what others have.
  • Boastful and Arrogant: We overcompensate our feelings of insecurity by bragging to others about what we have or what we know.
  • Act unbecomingly: We have outbursts of anger or anxiety.
  • Seek your own desires: We act selfish and have a ‘me first’ mentality.
  • Provoke: We end up acting like the Devil by PROVOKING others by manipulating them to be insecure like us. We become a slave to the Devil and his unrighteousness. 

Insecure people rejoice in unrighteousness because misery loves company. Insecurity ultimately leads to broken relationships. This is not what God wants for us. Relationships are important to God. Relationships are eternal. It begins with our relationship with God.

God wants to LOVE us. For us to be His BeLoved child, we are to Be. Loved. By Him. God proved His love by sending Jesus Christ to be our Savior. Saved from what? From this SIN SATURATED world that provokes us to insecurity. Just as Noah and his family entered INTO the ark for the salvation of a flooded world, we can enter into the ark of a New Covenant: Jesus Christ. We will be IN Security as we hide and abide in Jesus Christ, not insecure. Only then can we help others that are struggling too.

I know this because I experience it. Even as a 13-year-old Christian I can still struggle with FOMO in a variety of ways however, I’m learning the tactics of my enemy. Instead of participating and believing the provoking lies of the enemy, I am choosing to expose them. The word ‘security’ can also be used as ‘confidence.’ The Devil is always trying to knock our confidence in God and in our identity in Christ. Instead of having a fear of ‘missing out,’ we should fear the LORD. As a sojourner in this world, I am choosing to walk IN the SECURITY of my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I’m choosing to walk in the Spirit. Want to join me on this journey?

Today I’m praying you experience the LOVE of God like you never had before, and you experience security in Christ…for His glory and namesake.

Glorify God. Magnify Christ. Edify the Brethren. 

“We love, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

*This post was inspired by God’s Truth: 1 Corinthians 13; John 15:5; Romans 7:25;8:1-6; Ephesians 5:11; Hebrews 11:7; Luke 22:31-32; John 3:16-17