Being Ignored

The other day I was sharing something very important to me about God to someone I felt would understand. They have an Apple Watch. Do I need to finish the story?

I left the meeting feeling not fully heard or understood. I also felt like an inconvenience, a box to be checked, a speed bump preventing them from their day. It hurt and made me sad. I was offended and angry. When I recounted the offense to my husband, he told me to stop. He did not jump into the tornado of my offense. I saw I have a choice; To continue being offended or forgive. Our Pastor just preached on Matthew 5:21-22 “The devastating Consequences of Anger & Contempt.” How anger and contempt are seeds to murder. I dared to pray and ask God for help to forgive this small offense and forgive me for defiling others in my anger. The next morning, I realized I may not have an Apple Watch, but I have done that to others…to my own children. I have done it with my phone, my laptop, even my journaling. It pierced me to think of the times I made my children feel unseen. Then I realized the times I sat alone with the Lord reading the Bible and journaling, only to interrupt with a “quick check” of my phone, just as this person did with their watch. Then I realized the Truth.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all need grace and forgiveness I am thankful God helped me to obey Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has forgiven you.” I desire to forgive because I have been forgiven for so much and I do NOT want to grieve and ignore the Holy Spirit who lives in me. The gospel is a supernatural truth and I need the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to share with others, why would I want to ignore and deny His power?

I’m learning un-forgiveness is a HUGE barrier to experiencing the power, gifts and fruit that God freely gives to those who walk in repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who do you need to forgive? Don’t ignore that nudge in your heart to take that first step.

Glorify God. Magnify Christ. Edify the Brethren.

About altarofheaven

My name is arcelia. I love, worship and revere God. Since 2009 I have been enJOYing the peace with God I have through Jesus Christ. I'm learning to listen and respond to His voice through His Word and convictions of the Holy Spirit in this midst of this chaotic and distracting world. I am a broken redeemed healed vessel, joyously drawing water from the Spring of salvation pouring out in God's strength by His Spirit for His glory. "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14 View all posts by altarofheaven

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